Logger++ Filter Fields

Proxy Fields

Group Field Description
Proxy Tool Originating tool name. Extension generated requests will be displayed as “Extender”.
Proxy Interface The interface the proxied message was delivered to.
Proxy ClientIP The requesting client IP address.

Request Fields

Group Field Description
Request Tool Originating tool name. Extension generated requests will be displayed as “Extender”. (Alias for Proxy.Tool)
Request Headers The request line and associated headers.
Request Body The request body.
Request Time Date and time of inital request (as received by L++).
Request Length The length of the received request.
Request Complete Has a response been received?
Request Method The request method used.
Request URL The entire URL of the request.
Request Host The protocol and hostname of the requested URL.
Request Hostname The hostname component of the requested URL.
Request Port The port the request was sent to.
Request Path The path component of the requested URL.
Request Extension The URL extension used in the request.
Request Query The query parameters of the requested URL.
Request Protocol The protocol component of the requested URL.
Request SSL Did the request use SSL?
Request UsesCookieJar Compares the cookies with the cookie jar to see if any of them are in use.
Request ContentType The content-type header sent to the server.
Request Referrer The referrer header value of the request.
Request HasParams Did the request contain parameters?
Request HasGetParams Did the request contain get parameters?
Request HasPostParams Did the request contain post parameters?
Request HasSentCookies Did the request contain cookies?
Request Cookies The value of the cookies header sent to the server.
Request Parameter The parameters in the request.
Request ParameterCount The number of parameters in the request.

Response Fields

Group Field Description
Response Headers The status line and associated headers.
Response Body The response body.
Response Time Date and time of receiving the response (as received by L++).
Response Length The length of the received response.
Response Status The status code received in the response.
Response RTT The round trip time (as calculated by L++, not 100% accurate).
Response Title The HTTP response title.
Response ContentType The content-type header sent by the server.
Response InferredType The type inferred by the response content.
Response MimeType The mime-type stated by the server.
Response HasSetCookies Did the response set cookies?
Response Cookies The new cookies sent by the server
Response ReflectedParams Values reflected in the response
Response ReflectionCount Number of values reflected in the response

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